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Collaboration Argument

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Team learning is the fundamental aspect of modern education or any organization. It involves in-house training and creating environment of collaboration and teamwork. It is a very important part of the management and this creates a fraternity that enables the organization to work efficiently with speed. It involves development of a corporate knowledge bank with proper knowledge management techniques that helps employees to develop skills of working in a team. Once teamwork ethics are well taught it becomes easy for a team or collaboration to achieve its goals (Tartas & Mirza 2007).

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The most effective and creative approaches and problem-solving strategies best used with a given problem are based on proper collaboration and complete understanding of the problem and its related scenario. It is the full knowledge on a certain problem that makes it possible for members of the team to device methods that is creative and effective at the same time. However, the members of the team must be given opportunity to think freely and in a collaboration that is exactly what is encouraged.

Freedom of thought and expression is the most effective strategy that collaboration can implement in order to encourage the “outside the box” procedure. To achieve this goal a company must encourage its staffs to sit together under informal scenario and chat on different elements not necessary on a specific official topic. This would encourage creative ideas and understanding and ultimately the measure of “outside the box” though process would develop and collaboration is the main work schedule that enables this approach.

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Thus, collaboration is the creative idea that always possesses the ability to bring out ideas, effective or ineffective, but it would reflect the active mind behind the day-to-day work schedule. A creative idea in collaboration would follow the laid down policies of the job in hand but at the same time would be energetic enough to formulate strategies that would be motivated towards the benefits of the team (Spring 1997).

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