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Human Resource Management

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Employee absence is both harmful to the productivity of an individual employee and the whole organization. A missing employee means that the supervisor will have to assign the duties of the missing employee to a different employee. Although in most instances, the organization compensates the employee for the extra work, his or her morale and productivity goes down. It is paramount thus that an organization handles its leave days to avoid the extra costs associated with unlawful absenteeism (Kopelman, 1981).

The Modern Medical Center was suffering from Parkinson’s Law of Sick Leave Abuse because of its Paid Sick Leave Program. The implementation of the Leave Bank System had both various consequences to employee’s with excellent attendance and to employees with poor attendance, as discussed below.

Consequences of the paid sick leave program to an excellent work attender

This employee rarely missed work and did not abuse the program; he or she performed the duties of the missing employee. Such an employee is likely to suffer from low motivation and productivity. He or she is also likely to be hostile towards the missing employee and to his or her supervisor. The employee might also suffer from fatigue, arising from double tasking. On the other hand, he or she will earn more for the extra work done.

Consequences of the paid Sick Leave Program to a poor work attender

This employee constantly abused the Sick Leave Program. This employee will earn more for the little work because he or she is paid an additional sum for being absent from work on top of the official wages and salaries. However, he or she will face hostility from those who never miss work.

The Leave Bank System and its Consequences

The introduction of the new system had many benefits to the employees. Firstly, employees who did not use their Paid Leave days could convert from five to ten of those days into cash. The employees could also carry the days forward to the following year, if they so wished. Secondly, as long as there were some days on the credit side of an employee’s Paid Leave account, the employee could draw on them at any time upon approval from his or her supervisor. Thus, an employee no longer needed to be deceitful to take any time off, as was the case with the Sick Leave Program. Due to the absence of extra and forced work shifts, an employee could make social plans for himself or herself. Employees became respectful and appreciative of each other, reducing the hostility that was evident with the paid sick leave program. The morale of the whole work force also went up because of the new program (Kopelman, 1981).

The benefits of this new program accrued evenly both to poor and excellent attenders; it was a non-discriminatory program. However, poor attenders who were highly dependent on the paid sick leave program as a source of extra income lost this stream of income. Another drawback of the system was that a majority of workers did not understand its functioning.
The benefits of the program to the organization as a whole are also many. The program made a savings of at least $63,000 in its first year of inception. Supervisors spent little time doing last minute rescheduling and comforting employees who had to do some extra work. Less supervision and monitoring of employee absenteeism was another consequence of the new program (Kopelman, 1981).

The Leave Bank System was a boost to the morale, motivation and productivity of all employees in the organization. It eliminated the inefficiencies associated with high levels of absenteeism of the paid sick leave Program.

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