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Women in Business

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Mavis T. Thompson is amongst the great women of the 21st Century, in as much as women are advancing in business, they haven’t been highlighted in leading roles until more recent years when the likes of Mavis strongly emerged, she had been instrumental in development and growth of the National Bar Association in the short period that she entered its history.

She is one of the women who have given support, patronage, and management skills to the National Bar Association. Being one of the career Women, she has also been faced with business challenges at NBA, She her ways of overcoming obstacles in her career.

Mavis has inspired most of the Young women in modern society by portraying herself as a role model, Young women in the United States have been advised to pursue their goals and objectives to achieve their dream as it has been the case with Mavis. She has her personal motto: “Each One, Must Teach One!”

Mavis T. Thompson

Currently, she is the president of the National Bar Association, she have been the president of the association for several years while serving the NBA. Mavis Thompson first worked as a registered nurse, this was in the Labor and Delivery sections in several hospitals in St. Louis and Washington, DC (Nationalbar par, 4). Her experiences in Nursing include staff nurse, head nurse and lastly perinatal clinician (staff educator)

In 1993, just three years after earning herself a juris doctor degree in 1990, the Missouri Governor Mel Carnahan made the first step by appointing her at City of St. Louis as Circuit Clerk. Later on Mavis was the first female to be elected in 1994 as Circuit Clerk, with this she authentically became the only African American female holding such a position of in a citywide elected office.

In that capacity over 250 employees were under her supervision with an approximate budget of $62 million also under her management, during her six-year tenure as the city clerk, Mavis was responsible for the increased child support collections, she also ensured the automation of the entire office, there was great improvements in fiscal accountability, file storage and record retrieval was modernized, she had pioneered implementation of several customer and public service programs which improves service delivery. She has as wellbeing active in writing legal columns on monthly basis and hosts television shows monthly. (Nationalbar par, 12). These two simultaneous media projects were entitled, "The Circuit Breaker."

She is a graduate of University of Missouri in Columbia in 1979 with a Bachelors degree in nursing and later in 1990 with a Juris Doctor degree. She later joined Harvard University at John F. Kennedy School where she graduated in 1995 for this college. After completing studies at the law school, she was honored as a graduate attorney in a law firm in Illinois. The law firm was mainly on issues of personal injury and medical malpractices. Mavis was also a renowned defender in the city of St. Loius where she was engaged in criminal defense which were complex. She has as well being practicing law before in United States in Illinois and Missouri district courts.


Mavis has inspired most of the Young women in modern society by portraying herself as a role model, Young women in the United States have been advised to pursue their goals and objectives to overcome the challenges which they face and attain their dream as Mavis. She has her personal motto: "Each One, Must Teach One!"
Mavis has a good record of holding several civic and professional memberships when she served in most managerial positions in organizations. During 2004 to 2007 she held the position of with NBA as the regional vice president and its Affiliates (Nationalbar par, 8). She had also served as Affiliate Representative at Mound city Bar Association to the Board of Directors. Finally she has been the chairlady of Health Law and Civil rights for three years simultaneously.

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