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Over the years, the Federal government has created different marine and land protection laws and acts aimed at saving the environment. Laws are usually the guidelines and rules that government officials introduce to manage behavior. Each citizen of the country has to obey the laws that outline the procedures, principles, and standards for everyone to follow. An Act in turn denotes law or statute that was passed by the government. In particular, Acts are mostly rules that are noted down on paper. Having been passed by the government, an Act becomes the law. However, this law gains power only after promulgation which is the formal declaration or proclamation. Upon the final approval, it has to be announced to each citizen through a publication on the official government sites or/and government newspapers.

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The Federal government has passed a number of different marine and land protection Acts. For example, National Marine Sanctuaries Act (1972), Marine Mammal Protection Act (1972), Coastal Zone Management Act (1972), Endangered Species Act (1973), and many others. One of the latest Acts, namely Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act, was passed in 1976 and amended in 2006. This Act calls for consideration and assessment of ecological, social, and economic impacts of “fishing regulations on fishery participants and fishing communities in marine fishery management plans” (MPAs, 2013).It is evident that each of such Acts implies the protection of the environment.

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The recent US President elections have led to the victory of the Republican Party and its further control of the government. To my mind, the environmental policy suggested by the ruling party, in particular marine and land protection, is under the threat. For example, Republicans “support public access to public lands for hunting, fishing, and recreational shooting” (Republican Views, 2014), have an intention to develop the technology to face Americans environmental needs as well as would like to provide market-based incentives for advancing such technology. Therefore, current environmentally hostile government is likely to affect the discussed protections not in a good way.

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