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Hypertension and Biotechnology

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Hypertension is a disease of cardiovascular system, the main stigma of which is persistent increase in BP levels higher than 140 and 90 mm Hg. Many patients within a lot of time don’t know about their disease or just ignore the presence of the problem. This attitude to their own health is fraught with development of acute cardiovascular diseases, and they, in turn, form the mortality statistics of the population of the planet due to cardiovascular diseases. To avoid this fate, you must start the treatment of hypertension after detecting increased BP levels. Though, there is no clear distinction between normal and slightly high blood pressure. Usually two ways of measuring blood pressure are distinguished: direct and indirect. Direct way of measuring pressure is applied rather rarely. Using this way, the doctor inserts a needle into the artery and attaches the gauge. Blood pressure is usually measured indirectly, using a rubber sleeve and auditory tube (stethoscope). With this method, the cuff is applied to the arm and the air is injected as needed. If the air is enough and no detectable pulse can be heard - the artery is blocked. Then the doctor presses a stethoscope to your elbow and begins to deflate the cuff. To obtain a precise measurement, blood pressure should be measured at relaxed person, and not just after a heavy load; the arm should be at the same height as the machine.

The difficulties in diagnosing of hypertension lie in the great amount of similar symptoms and the absence of pathognomonic symptomsome cases lties in diagnosinbe in some cases. If the doctor diagnoses primary hypertension, as a rule, the causes of this problem are uncertain. Temporal of permanent hypertension can be caused by the number of factors, such as overweight, salt, alcohol, smoking, lack of motion, stress, noise, heredity etc.The more constricted the vessel, the higher the blood pressure is. If the secondary hypertension is diagnosed, in this case the hypertension is conditioned by other factors. This kind of hypertension, both benign and malignant, often has a renal origin. It is observed during acute and chronic glomerulonephritis, chronic pyelonephritis, occlusive vascular lesions of kidneys, nephrolithiasis, hypoplasia and polycystic kidney disease, diabetic and arthritic nephropathy, periarteritisnodosa, systemic lupus erythematosus, amyloidosis, tumors, tuberculosis and kidney injury. At the initial stage of the clinical course, these diseases usually occur without hypertension. It occurs with the visible signs of kidney damage. In these cases, it is necessary to treat the underlying disease which caused increased blood pressure. Sometimes, BP increase is only temporary (labile hypertension). Within malignant hypertension, when blood pressure is consistently high, above 200/140 mm Hg (

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Treatment of hypertensive disease (primary arterial or essential hypertension) is dependent on the stage of disease, as well as on the severity of the patient. The main thing to know is that both modern medicine and doctors are not able to cope with hypertension without patient’s active participation. Blood pressure index must be no more then 140/90 mm Hg. For the diagnosis of this disease it is quite enough to record high blood pressure at the doctor's. Then it is needed to except the secondary nature of hypertension. Subsequently, the doctor determines the risk factors of complications of hypertension and checks the condition of the target organs.

List of studies for the diagnosis of type of hypertension is prescribed after a thorough examination of the patient. It usually includes: overall urine test, blood biochemical test, ECG, examination of retinal vessels.

Trusting modern statistics, contemporary treatment of hypertension reduces the risk of complications by 20-25%, but these figures are getting simply dissolved in the vast ocean of the spread of this insidious disease. Now, it is hard to find a house with no person suffering from high blood pressure, so that numbers are absolutely worthless: the disease is spreading at an exponential rate, rallying under the banners of a vast army of people of different ages, including children. As it was said, the primary means of treatment of hypertension are still the medications, which not only disable the side effects, but completely paralyze the body's own natural regulators. A sick body does not try to find its own opportunities to reduce high blood pressure, and is at the disposal of antihypertensives. Thus, we can say that drug treatment of hypertension can only remove the external manifestations of the disease. Drugs have side effects and produce addiction, when modern methods of treatment of hypertension should not bring harm to the body. Laser therapy is the most effective method for the treatment and diagnosis of hypertension. This therapy helps to fight the disease at the cellular level. Beneficial effects of the laser therapy are achieved by increasing the oxygen concentration in the systemic blood circulation. During laser influence, blood gets better supplied with oxygen, which causes general improvement in health. After using the laser therapy, patients stop suffering from headaches; the efficiency increases and the fatigue gets reduced. All these factors make grounds for lowering BP levels (Mokmeli).

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It is necessary to recommend all the patients with hypertension to make some changes in their lives. Non-medicine methods of therapy include the following:

  • giving up smoking;
  • reducing body weight, reducing drinking of alcohol to less than 30 g per day for men and 20 g for women,
  • doing physical exercises four times per week, about 35 minutes each time;
  • eating completely without salt or reducing the level of it down to 5 g per day;
  • eating more vegetable food.
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