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Women's Health

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In the public environment, women face numerous challenges and difficulties as they try to fit in and adapt to their surroundings. Some may encounter such dilemmas during their first years of life while others are exposed to it relentlessly until their old age. Therefore, such concerns have prompted numerous researchers and scholars to take the initiatives to investigate the problematic challenges that women face in the society, in hand, proposing some feasible solutions to dealing with them. Globally, violence and abuse against women are their biggest concerns with may lobby groups referring it as, perhaps, the primary threats to modernization. Violence against women is a social vice that requires consolidated reforms and policy regulations to ensure a peaceful development for females within the society.

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Violent acts against women in the society include a broad range of actions such as domestic violence, rape, prenatal sex selection, coercive use of contraceptives, and customary practices involving honor killings, dowry, and female genital mutilation (FGM), forced marriages, and sexual harassment. In a 2006 report to the United Nations, Secretary-General Kofi Annan claimed that many women in the world encounter violence in their lifetime. On average, “one out of every three women around the world being beaten, abused in her life, or otherwise coerced into sex” (Fulu & Miedema, 2015).

Violence against women limits and hinders development as it renders them incapable to work at their full potential. Evidently, hurting someone affects their working capacity, particularly limiting their potential to delegate duties at maximum efficiency. Many women, especially those living in rural parts of the world, often find themselves living in abusive relationships, mostly because of limited government intervention or lack of education. Within some areas where women are denied basic education, they lack the required knowledge of who to report to when abused. In other cases, they have a fear of facing life without a husband in terms of providing themselves with basic need because they lack the required skills. These women are forced to remain in the abusive marriages where they are often forced to live and work in deplorable conditions. For such reasons, namely violence instigated against them and the lack of educational skill set to fend for themselves, such women fail to achieve their full potentials in life or their daily activities.

In addition, according to studies, certain traditional values also encourage violence instigated against women. In many rural parts of the world where citizens still observe traditional values and cultures, some of these societies continue promoting beating of women. Such communities support beatings with the purpose of disciplining the wife, just as the way a parent would discipline a child. These organizations warn their mates against criticizing or condemning the actions of their husbands, terming them as justifiable and just. In other instances, the same societies encourage marrying young girls at tender ages.

Arguably, some men who display or enact violent acts against women do have witnessed violence being children. These people have experienced the psychological trauma of having an abusive father, mother, or both that affected their mental balance and forced them to accept this as a normal way of life. In their adult years, such men enact the same kind of violence they once witnessed in their childhood years on their wives or children. In other instances, violent actions are provoked by alcohol and drug consumption. Several studies suggest that intoxication is a likely factor contributing to domestic quarrels that lead to fights, where women often getting hurt (Bohra et al., 2015). In such cases, where the dominant male aggressively acts upon the woman based on childhood trauma or drug intake, the women are rendered hurt and unable to protect herself. Such confrontation may lead to the woman feeling that her self-esteem has been damaged that in the overall, influences her self-image and self-worth.

Societies need to work relentlessly to counter any acts of gender-based violence, especially those against women and young girls. One of the best ways to deal with this vice is creating awareness programs that educate women on the dangers and harmful effects of gender-based violence. These programs would teach women and young girls of the activities that constitute violence against them, and the way to appeal for help (Beck et al., 2013). In addition, the government and non-governmental groups should teach women self-defense techniques to assist them to protect themselves from any violent acts. Such skills would be useful in scenarios of abusive spouses, in the likelihood of rape or kidnapping, or when confronted life-threatening situations.

Conclusively, violence against women hinders growth and development. Such actions are a social vice that requires consolidated reforms and policy regulations to ensure a peaceful development for females within the society. Deeds such as rape, sexual harassment, forced marriages, and FGM are just a few to mention that are degrading and ultimately affect a woman’s health and self-worth. Adults ought to educate their children regarding the virtues that societies require including treating women with respect and avoiding harassing them (Gracia & Merlo, 2016). Moreover, communities should take the responsibility to educate the young girls, ultimately educating and empowering them to be self-reliant. Such self-reliance will help improve economies as it would increase primary household incomes and reduce the dependency on male-counterparts. This paper, therefore, recommends that continuous research is necessary to find ways to deal with gender-based violence including treatment programs for those exposed to violence at young ages.

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