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Part Time Jobs for Students

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Work is any activity that requires physical or mental participation for the sole aim of reaching a result that has been set. Besides aiming at our set goals, participating in work also has a number of advantages within it. Though having rest is essential in our lives, reducing some energy from our bodies is most important. This comes by doing some work. Activeness in life depends on the way a person takes part in work. To relate with this, when a person is working the boring side of life vanishes away. Engaging in some activities makes it hard for people to find their selves in boring situations. The excessive energies within our bodies can lead to chronic diseases if retained. However, doing work releases it and therefore our bodies become healthier (Robbinson 20).

Anyone can perform or can do work only when the health state is well. Work among high school students is good and call for recommendation although it has some effects that comes along with its recommendation. The students can participate in work during the holidays. It is during this time that those students with fee balances can work to cover them up. Students whose parents are unable to cater for their school needs should take the advantage of these holidays to look for money. By the time the schools reopen, they would have saved enough cash for their school needs.

The students can work in places like supermarkets, restaurants, ice cream shops among other places. However, the students should not let the work to interfere with their grades. During the times when the students are free from work, they should read. Engaging in these small jobs affects working experience to the students. They will have no problems when doing better jobs in future after school. In addition, the students will acquire the sense of being dependant on their own selves and the sense of being responsible for their own needs. These are facts that do not occur through school activities only.

Part time jobs are the best for students who are in high school level. Administering work on the students will depend on their age in most of the countries. In most countries, offering jobs that do not require too much commitment leaves sometime for studies. As many researchers have found out, most of the students will the work for money and not for experience gaining. However, a number of them believe in the fact that the working makes them get to know many things besides money earning. Therefore, working early does not have any difference with working later. At the same time, the students can use this time for searching for jobs. Working makes the students develop a focused career objective since they have tested the way to the future. Again, Participating in work gives the students morale to work even harder to achieve better jobs than those they do during holidays (O’Reilly 29).

Exposing the students to part time work develops within them various values that are essential for life. Since they work with many other people, they develop good teamwork attitude. This helps them to live well with the rest of the society members. Time consciousness develops within students who work when away from school. This also helps them to keep time in school and hence good educational results. Good communication system as well as effective representation of oneself comes along with exposure to such works. The students will know how to communicate well with other people and in a good way. The students get used to appearing before high-class people and this enhances the confidence within them. After, school, they have the stiffness that is required to face various types of people within the nation. Good disciplines that goes along with the norms of a certain state is also developed in part time works (O’Reilly 56).

On other fields, economy development occurs when more number of workers are involved in the process o work doing. It is good to let the students take part in the economy growth since everyone is responsible for promoting the economy of his country. Denying the students the chance to promote the economy makes the country face a great economy challenge from other nations.

Another good fact as to why students must work is because when they have time to work and learn at the same time, this will reduce the rate at which young people e are running away from school for job. Bearing in mind that young people like students have passion for money, they will look for it in any possible means. Letting them do part time job offers them a chance to get a little amount of money for things like clothes, music systems and other items of pleasure (Robbinson 120).

On the contrary, work has some effects that tend to pull down the academic prowess of students. Not all students are capable of balancing between work and studies. Working ends up affecting a large number of students’ performance. Pressure form employees may affect students the students’ performance. When in work, the employees may quarrel or rather cause grudges with the students (O’Reilly 86). When they go in class, this will still interfere with their concentration and therefore leading to fails. As compared to other working class people, the less important jobs are administered to students hence not getting the real job experience. This dooms their mental capacity n therefore not giving them quality skills. The pays are little and in most of the time, they do not fully cater for the students needs. When compared to the work they do, this remains to be exploitive to them (Robbinson 120).

Additionally, allowing students to work affect the other older age working people. Many employees will prefer students than the other people because they are easy to manage and less paid. Students are less prone to strikes as compared to older workers. They rarely protest against orders and directions on work to them are always successful. Working with students remains to be more satisfying unlike when dealing with older people.


Part time jobs remain to be more beneficial to the students than being more harmful to them. When observed in the right manner, part time jobs have recorded a high number of successes within a country that permits it. Development of the students’ self-confidence, good discipline, efficient cooperation, and good teamwork comes in from the engagement in part time works. The economy of a nation has been seen to improve when more and ore workers are given work to do. This calls for more demand of people who are capable of performing work within the country. The engagement in work also helps to keep the students minds more active since they are busy. When left with nothing to do after school, students may end up becoming dull and this pulls down their class performance (O’Reilly 66). Therefore, it is more better to let students do work rather than denying them the priority of doing the work.

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