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Critical Review of an Orthopaedic Engineering Journal Article

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A scientific journal writing format efficiently communicates its findings to the broad scientific community in a uniform manner, in terms of titles, abstracts discussions and others. The point here is; to get key results and conclusions easily beyond just mere title skimming

In this journal, most of the work corresponds with the scientific format of journal writing. From his subject of study, acronym definitions, easier understanding and his referencing style. However, some clarity should be observed before submitting the journal for publication. The subject matter is suitable for the journal, but not to be underlined. The author name and institutional affiliation should come directly below the title. Though a brief title, it should be unambiguous i.e. ‘Orthopaedic Engineering of the Kager’s Fat Pad,’ since there are many fields in Orthopedics.

The abstract is right in terms of question integration, experimental design methods, and major findings in the field. His command of active voice is commendable. The journal introduction has a well established context with relevant in text citations. The author has also stated all necessary study purpose and his rationale and approach such as, use of combined anatomical, ultrasound and MRI. The material and methodology of study is well organized including punctuations. His results and diagrams are also well documented and labeled, though diagrams and figures should not be assumed as appendices since they are a key to understanding the journal findings and discussions. Meanwhile all in text citations and references are relevant to the research topic and other recent discoveries in the field have been well acknowledged.

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